One of the immensely popular noodle dishes in Korea is called Jja Jang Myun. Although it is an Asian dish, many foreigners, vastly from America, are beginning to explore these kinds of dishes and are becoming popular in the states as well. This recipe calls for a lot of ingredients, but in small amounts. This means that not all the ingredients are necessary and there are a myriad of ways to make jja jang myun. Here is how to make this delicious Korean dish.
Here are the ingredients that you will need: Asian style noodles (they are usually thicker than the ones Americans are accustomed to), jja jang sauce (it can be found in any Korean market), pork, onions, zucchini, cooking oil, corn starch, black pepper, ginger, and sesame oil.
The first thing is to make the noodles. Simply cook the noodles in boiling water and drain the water out after it's done cooking. After that, rinse it off with cold water to get rid of any excess starch. Leave the noodles aside for now.
Next we have to make the sauce for the noodles. Get a pot and add cooking oil to it, just enough to cover the bottom of the pot. Then add the jja jang sauce and slowly cook it continuously. While doing this, get the pork, onions, and zucchini and cut them into little chunks. You can add the onions and zucchini directly into the pot, but the pork needs to be cooked in a separate pan. If we simply add the pork to the sauce, there is a chance that it will not get fully cooked. After it's cooked, you can then add it into the sauce.
After the sauce is done simmering, simply put your noodles in a bowl and pour the sauce over the noodles.
Although this is the simple way to make Jja Jang Myun, it is also very delicious.
Teach your friends how to make this delicious dish today.
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