
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Iran's Military Capabilities

Iran accounts for 5% of world oil production. As long as cars run on gasoline Iran won't be strapped for cash and can self finance the research and development costs for weapons of mass destruction.
In the article we analyzed Iran's objectives in the areas of foreign policy and security.

Obtaining political ascendancy over the other countries in the region and buttressing her status as a regional power;


Spreading Islam, according to Muslim tradition, throughout the world;

Augmenting active and deterrent defense against the many threats which are directed towards her.

According to the declarations of the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, and her supreme ruler, Ali Sayyid Khamanei, we can derive that the extermination of Israel is Iran's fourth objective.

In this article, I will attempt to provide an idea of Iran's military capabilities and the areas where she presently constitutes a tangible threat to the State of Israel.

A Large Military Force

The four objectives which we discussed in the previous article induced Iran to begin a massive armaments buildup ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The process accelerated greatly following the results of the Iran-Iraq War, as in the aftermath of that war, Iran's status as a regional power was definitely undermined.

Iran maintains an army, which is in effect the largest and most powerful in the Middle East, according to accepted criteria: the budgets invested in it, the quantity of soldiers who serve in it, and its firepower. The criteria according to which it is customary to define the IDF as the most powerful army in the world, or at least in the region, pertain to the statistics of strategic victories in relation to the size and power of the army, which are measured according to those same objective parameters via which we can determine that the Iranian army is the most powerful army in the region. The Iranian military force is composed of 14 land divisions and 15 Air Force squadrons.

The Iranian navy totals 170 vessels, including frigates, corvettes, missile boats and three submarines. Despite the importance of the Navy for establishing hegemony on the order of a superpower in the Gulf, it is possible that the Iranian Navy constitutes the Achilles Heel of the Iranian army in particular, and of the Iranian plan to become the solitary power in the Middle East in general.

Research and Development for Mass Destruction

There are many countries throughout the world who maintain weapons of mass destruction. Many other countries would like to put their hands on weaponry which can pose a threat but are incapable of taking any significant steps in that direction. There are a few countries that can really take tangible steps towards obtaining weapons of this type, and upon them, the West, headed by the United States applies severe pressure.

An example of this is Libya's climb down from such attempts. Libya which observed what was being done to Afghanistan and Iraq, decided to raise her hands in surrender before the West would knock at her gates and drew back from her plans to obtain weapons of mass destruction. An additional example is North Korea, the single country in the world that still adopts a militant Communist line. North Korea's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons repeatedly provoke commercial sanctions against her.

What typifies Iran in the area of weapons of mass destruction in general and nuclear weapons in particular, is that it constitutes the only state that possesses the capability to fiscally contend with all aspects pertaining to the production of weapons of mass destruction. Iran produces 5% of the world's oil consumption, and as long as the world still travels on gasoline, she will not lack for cash in her coffers, and will prove capable of financing by herself, without any outside assistance, the research and development requisite for producing weapons of mass destruction.

In the diplomatic arena, Iran enjoys unusual immunity. A large portion of Iran's conventional arsenal was built in Russia and China, and was paid for there in cash. Additionally, the nuclear reactor in Busheir, which is supposed to be operational in the next few months, is the product of an agreement signed between Iran and Russia in 1995. According to the deal, Russia will complete the construction of the reactor within a decade, and in tandem will provide large quantities of nuclear fuel, in return for $ 830 million which Iran will transfer to Russia. The defense industries, of both Russia and China, require Iranian money like air to breathe.

Iran's ramified ties in this sphere with Russia and China, two very important countries in the UN, have paved Iran's path to a nuclear bomb. These countries are fighting the necessary battles on Iran's behalf to prevent the imposition of sanctions that would really pester her existence. In this context, Mohammed el-Baradei and his associates-- who were sent by the United Nations to supervise the Iranian nuclear program, and ensure that it would be intended exclusively for civilian (electricity etc.) purposes -- have become a fraud. Iran is not afraid of the UN and her nuclear program always regarded the production of electricity and civilian purposes as a secondary objective, if at all.

As of 1999, Iran employs over 10,000 Russian nuclear engineers. Let it be said in Russia's defense that those engineers chose to work in Iran, simply for the reason that after the fall of the Iron Curtain they do not have many potential employers. If the matter depended on the Russian Government, they would have preferred that as few Russian citizens as possible be dependent upon Iran.

The Iranian arsenal also comprises biological and chemical weapons. Intelligence sources, both Israeli and foreign, contend that to this date Iran has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world. These stockpiles include "materials that cause burns, asphyxiation and blood and nerve agents", contends Sean Pine, in his article in the periodical "Nativ" (the January 2003 issue). Iran's research projects in this sphere of chemical weapons are as ambitious as her plans in the sphere of nuclear weapons.

Western intelligence reports on a deal that can take shape between Iran and China, under which China will provide Iran with components that will allow her to be an independent producer of chemical weapons. Such a situation, if it should obtain, will allow Iran to export chemical weapons, whose signature is much lower and whose portability is much higher and smoother than that of nuclear weapons. The repercussions can be destructive, as in a chemical attack on a central Israeli city that will be perpetrated by the Hamas or one of the sundry terror organizations sheltering under its authority.

Iran conducts independent research, in the sphere of biological weaponry as well, despite the fact that this realm is much less developed than the chemical and nuclear spheres. According to reports from various sources, Iran is the only country of means which conducts active research in this sphere. Another hostile body which conducts research in this field, despite the fact that one could hardly call it a state, is the global terror organization Al-Qaeda. The publications state that Iran retains stocks of dangerous biological weapons, such as ricin and anthrax.

Ballistic Missiles

Iran is the most advanced country in the field of research and development in ballistic missiles. Iran's most useful piece of missile development is the "Shihab 3" with a range of up to 1500 km, the import of this range is that it can hit any point in Israel and some strategic American targets in Southeast Turkey and in Saudi Arabia.

The development of the Shihab three began already during the year 1992. The first test was performed in 1998, and opinions are divided whether it was a success or not. However, this discussion is not really salient in view of the fact that tests which were conducted recently on the Shihab 3 were highly successful, and this missile is today the star of the Iranian ballistic system. It's customary to believe that the Shihab 3 is a product of independent Iranian research and development, but in reality we are dealing with a missile that was based on a North Korean missile.

While deploying the Shihab 3, Iran is busy developing the Shihab 4, a missile that is based on technologies that were used in Soviet missiles. The Shihab 4 will have a range of 2000 km and will cover all of Turkey and parts of Greece.

The Shihab 5 is in the preliminary development stages. Its maximal range according to intelligence sources, will be 5600 km, in other words it will constitute a real threat to central Europe.

Isolated intelligence sources report the development of the Shihab 6, with a range of 10,000 km and an ability to threaten the Eastern United States.

Additionally, Iran disposes of a system of short and intermediate range ballistic missiles, whose purpose is to defend Iran's borders against her neighbors (such as Uzbekistan). However, one must take into account the threat implicit in the fall of the Hashemite Regime in Jordan. In such an eventuality, it's possible that these missiles will easily find their way into the hands of Hamas on the West Bank, and will constitute a real threat to Israel.

A Huge and Unavoidable Military Force

To sum up the matter, Iran presently maintains an unprecedentedly powerful army. It is capable of declaring full scale war against Israel, and to constitute an equal and disciplined foe against an American invasion of Iran's soil, should that occur.

Iran's nuclear weapons buildup is apparently unavoidable. From the moment it has a nuclear bomb in its possession Iran will be capable of launching it against us. However, due to Israel's "second strike" capability -- the launching of a nuclear bomb from Israel towards Iran, in an immediate and automatic fashion should Iran launch a bomb against us -- will apparently prevent the initiation of war in this manner. Even if Iran does not refrain and decides to launch the bomb as a declaration of war, it is plausible to assume that it will not succeed in destroying Israel although it could cause her unprecedented damage.

Iran's Military Capabilities

Ziv Maor is the security and foreign affairs, and Israel-UN relations commentator for "Omedia", The leading site in security and terrorism issues, focusing on the Middle East and matters concerning Israel.
He is also a former editor of IDF Infantry and Paratroops Gazette.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Little Known Veterans Pension That Can Earn You Up to $22,000 a Year Tax Free!

VA Improved Pension Benefit

If you haven't heard of it, you are not alone. Currently there is a ground swell effort to inform veterans about this benefit. The Governor of Illinois felt it was such a serious situation that he created a non-profit corporation to work with other corporations, service groups and individuals like us, to get the word out and to educate Veterans and the families on this benefit. There are about 22 million veterans in the United States and about two billion dollars of benefits that go untouched every year. And a lot of it has to do with the fact that people just don't know that the benefits are available. They don't know that they qualify and they don't know how to apply.


You'll notice that it says "Aid & Attendance and Housebound". The power of this benefit is that it provides extra income when you need it most, when you health changes and you need care. How many of you have helped care for a loved one? How many of you know someone who has lost just about everything because of the cost of care?

You know when this benefit was introduced in 1952; long-term care wasn't such a big issue. Families stayed close. Not so many children went away to college, and then farther away for their careers. Things were pretty simple.

Now families are busy, busy. Children are scheduled in soccer, gymnastics, ballet, t-ball, so many events that they eat supper on the road, order meals by numbers "I'll have a #2 meal super-sized" and it's a different world.

So now, long-term care cost is a fact of life. We can't rely on family. And most of us, being really honest would rather NOT have a family member help us with those really personal care needs.

So would extra money help your family when you need care? Sure! Most of us are not going to turn it down, especially when you've already earned it. That's why the Improved Pension Benefit is so important.

Qualifications for Veterans & Widows

So people ask, "What are the qualifications for this benefit?" The first qualification is a discharge from military service that is anything BUT dishonorable.

The veteran must have served at least 90 days of active duty with at least ONE day served during a declared state of war. Now you did not actually have to be in combat. As an example, you could have been a clerk in San Diego harbor, and never left US shores. As long as you had 90 days active service, you did not have a dishonorable discharge and one day was during wartime, you qualify on those points.
Finally, you have to be totally disabled, OR age 65 and older. This benefit has been on the books since 1952 and one of the reasons Veterans didn't take advantage of it was that they thought you had to be disabled. Let's take a look at this benefit. It is a pension. At what age do we generally qualify for a pension? The age we start receiving a pension is when we hit retirement and that is usually at age ....??? Right, 65! So it makes sense that if you are 65 or older, then you qualify for the pension, because of your age. It doesn't matter that you are not disabled.

Declared States of War

The next thing people want to know is, "What are the Declared States of War?" How many of you were in the Korean War? You will remember that during the Korean War, it was called a Police Action, an advisory thing, right? Vietnam was that way, too. However, for benefits related to Periods of War, these are the dates and events recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs. These are the wars that count for this benefit.

Mexican Border Period 1916-1917
WWI 1917 - 1921
WWII 1941 - 1946
Korean War 1950 - 1955
Vietnam War 1962 - 1975
Gulf War 1990 - . . .

DVA Improved Pension 2008

So people want to know, "How much money are we talking?" Here are the pension amounts for this year. Now there are different amounts if you are Housebound, and there are amounts if you are simply low income. For now, let's look at the numbers for Aid & Attendance. When you need Aid & Attendance, you are typically in a facility. Your costs of care are the greatest. Your need for extra money is the greatest. AND the pension benefit is the greatest.

If you are a couple, Veteran and Spouse, and one of you is receiving care in a facility, you could receive up to ,113 per year, TAX FREE. So how would an extra 42/month help with you care costs? Would you want the money that your service earned? Sure you would.

For a single veteran, it could be up to ,654/year, or over 54/month, TAX FREE.

For the surviving spouse of a veteran, it's up to ,985/year, or /8/month, TAX FREE.

This benefit is available every year you continue to receive Aid & Attendance in a facility. There is a Cost of Living adjustment every year that reflects the increase in Social Security. It's normally, about 3%, this year it was 2.3%.

It is a Means Testing program, which means they look at both your Income and your Assets. Now at this point, people will look at each other and say, "Oh we have too much income and assets to qualify." But there are two important things to know, that can make all the difference.
First, your out-of-pocket medical expenses are deducted from your income. When your health and lifestyle change and you need care and assistance, there can be substantial expenses, and these are deducted from you income.
Second, the VA counts your assets as of the date of the application. So, you can create an estate plan and reposition your assets before the application.

Income Testing

Let me share with you my favorite couple Roy and Dale. You remember them. They had a dog named, Bullet, a horse named Trigger, a friend named Pat who had a Jeep named....Does any know the name of Pat's Jeep? It was Nelly belle. How about Dale's horse, do you know her horse's name? It was Buttermilk. They were my favorite couple when I was growing up. I used to watch their program all the time and knew that Roy, in his white hat, would always get the bad guys in their black hats.

Now Roy and Dale are very comfortable, 2500 dollars in income each month. Everything's paid for. Life was good. But then Roy falls off Trigger and breaks his hip. He goes to Happy Trails Care Facility. His expenses for facility care, medications, health insurance premiums total 00/mo. Now life is not so good. They are spending 0 more each month than they have coming in. Where do you suppose that extra money is coming from? Right, their savings! Their income is upside down and they are burning through their assets quickly.

So here is an example of a couple going from having plenty of income, to losing money because of a simple fall, change in health and need for Aid & Attendance. Roy was a veteran and his service has earned him the Improved Pension Benefit, they would qualify for 01.25 per month. Would that make a difference in their lives? Could it save the drain on their estate? Absolutely!

Asset Testing

Now, it is also means tested for Assets. Whatever you have titled in your name will be counted with the exception of your house and car as long as one of you is residing in the house. This is the opportunity to put in place the estate planning that you've been putting off. You can put things in place so your assets are controlled by family; and you know that things will still go the way you want, without losing them. With the VA, there is no look back period. It is very important to have everything properly titled and positioned before you make application for the benefits, so be sure to consult with a professional.

Documents Needed

Sometimes people have misplaced their discharge papers. Some people call it their military jacket, others refer to it as the DD214, and still others call them separation papers. It may be that you don't know where these papers are. Don't worry, you can apply for duplicates and it takes about 4 weeks for them to arrive. Other forms needed are the Marriage Certificate and a Death Certificate if the veteran is deceased. These just take some time to get from the county or state departments. They do need to be certified copies and that can be done at the courthouse in most places.

If you need to do some estate planning for you assets, that takes a little time. So by the time the documents arrive, you'll have things in place and be ready for the application process.
When you send in the completed application, the first thing the DVA does is time stamp it, enter it into their system and assign a case number. That's important, because the time stamp is the date counted for your first benefit payment. It may take up to six months for the application to be processed. But when it's processed and approved, the DVA will go back to the time stamp on the application, and send a check retroactive back to the date the application was entered into the system.

Little Known Veterans Pension That Can Earn You Up to ,000 a Year Tax Free!

Lance D. Fisher - Insurance professional in Venice Florida.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Telling Signs That a Man is in Love With You

As women we know that sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether a man is in love with us. Some men just aren't as forthcoming about their feelings as others. There are some definite signs that a man is in love and once you understand what they are, it's much easier to gauge how a man is feeling about you.

One of the most obvious signs that a man is in love with you is that he tells you - over and over. Men who are crazy about a woman want to openly express it. For many men, saying those special words doesn't come easily. Another thing to watch for that suggests that a man has deep feelings is that he wants to make your life better. He'll ask what he can do to help you in any way, and he'll do whatever he can to ensure your life is full and happy.


If you hear from him often when you aren't together that's a sign that a man is in love with you. Men want to be close to the women they adore and they will often call or email if you two are apart. This applies to when you are in separate cities, but also if you live just a few minutes apart. If he texts you while you are at work, or emails you just to say hi, he has strong feelings for you.

Men who never ask about your life tend to not feel that deeply for you. If a man is in love with you he'll have a genuine concern for the things you are experiencing. He'll ask about mundane everyday things and also will be emotionally invested in your life. If a man is willing to drop everything to listen to your problems or help you with something, he has strong feelings for you.

When a man is head over heels for a woman he'll go out of his way to do things to surprise her. It might be something as simple as bringing her a fresh bouquet of flowers or cooking her dinner. He takes note of the things she enjoys and uses that information to create unique surprises for her. Another of the often overlooked signs that a man is in love with you is that he'll share his own feelings with you. He'll talk about his fears and the things that make him happy. A man who isn't in love may be afraid to be emotionally vulnerable. When a man loves you, he'll open up to you.

Nothing feels quite as wonderful as knowing you are loved by a man. Even if he doesn't always verbally express it, recognizing the signs of his devotion can offer you all the reassurance you need.

Telling Signs That a Man is in Love With You

About this Author

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this informative site!

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

Article Source:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng tea is great for short periods; this tea can alleviate many symptoms of common aliments and lessen fatigue. Ginseng is the main ingredient to many of the medicinal teas. However, prolonged use can lead to insomnia and heart trouble, so be sure to consult your physician before drinking ginseng tea regularly as an alternative to coffee for that afternoon pick me up.

In China, ginseng is held in high regard. It is believed that ginseng has rejuvenating powers and provides stimulation to the whole body. Ginseng also offers protection against fatigue. Ginseng is known to be a stimulant for the central nervous system. This root can also help with inflammation, fever, and hormonal imbalances to name a few.


The tea is usually made from the Wisconsin ginseng root. Slices can be steeped to create a tea that is a strong as the consumer would like, or purchased as a powder and brewed using tea balls. Both of these methods let the drinker control the amount of tea used. There are ginseng tea bags available from specialty stores, but it is not recommended to buy the tea without reading all the ingredients as some packaged teas are sold as ginseng but in fact have very little of this herb in them, instead using mostly fillers

Consult an herbal practitioner or naturopath as to the right type of ginseng and how to brew your tea. The tea can be sweetened with a little honey or stored cold in the refrigerator, as this tea is quite good served iced.

Take note, if you are pregnant use ginseng sparingly or not at all.

Ginseng Tea

For more information, visit these sites: [] and

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Effect of the Cold War on the World

The Cold War existed between the 1940s to the 1990s. It was a conflict between the United States and the USSR together with their respective allies. The powers at war engaged in boosting their respective defense systems that led to massive spending of their national resources.

The Cold War was firmly expressed through propaganda, military coalitions, weapons development, espionage, industrial advances as well as technological development. Such activities successfully heightened further competition and tension between the warring parties.


The cold war led to numerous proxy wars, and new developments in both nuclear and conventional arms. Hence, because of the Cold War, numerous countries in the world today possess nuclear weapons that pose a great threat to world existence.

The Cold War also led to significant effects in neighboring countries as well as those far away. Such international crises as the Korean War, the Berlin Blockade, the Vietnam War, the Berlin crisis, and Soviet's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 were a direct manifestation of the cold war. Quite a number of countries experienced massive losses in wealth and life at such times.

Yet another adverse effect of the war was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 that widely drew fears of an impending Third World War. In addition, in November 1983, a ten-day NATO command exercise that spanned a major part of Western Europe simulated a time of conflict escalation, with heightened nuclear alerts, which finally culminated in a well-coordinated nuclear release.

At the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, several counties including the Soviet Union suffered monumental economic stagnation as a direct result of investment in the war. The effects of the war are far reaching and they contributed to the final collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, leaving the US as a sole superpower.

The Effect of the Cold War on the World

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in education industry. She also offers top quality articles like:

Famous People Biography, Paul Wolfowitz Biography

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Family Tree Project Ideas For Kids

The past can hold a vast of wealth for many people today if they would only take the time to look into it and really take an interest. Unfortunately, many young people display a serious disconnect with their own history. Start working with children when they are younger on a family tree for kids so that they have that solid foundation early on.

This is a great activity to do with a child who is currently at the elementary school age. Aside from the fact that they are most likely to enjoy it, catching them at this age means the information will stick with them longer and in more detail. The average teenager or preteen is not as likely to take much interest as a younger child. If you struggle to get them to take an interest, chances are not good that they will retain much of it.


The traditional scroll that many people use to keep track of their family tree is not going to get much enthusiasm out of a small child. This is something that you can be really creative with, however. Consider making the family tree a part of their bedroom and create a mural on one of the walls. This could even turn into an ongoing piece of artwork that grows the further into the project that you get.

Begin with the most relevant thing in your child's life, their own birth. Move onto the rest of the immediate family from there. Once you get their attention and interest in the project solidified, then start moving backwards through time, one person at a time. Be sure to try to add specific details, like something that person did or where they lived. Make the whole thing very personal for your child so that each new family member added has a special element to make him or her memorable.

It stands to reason that the further you dig into the history, you will likely have to start doing some additional research. There is no better way to keep your child engaged in the project. This becomes so much more than just another project, but actually more like a great adventure that you are taking together. What you end up learning will also be quite amazing.

If your child is old enough, you could use this as a way to study history, going backwards of course. The events that you study will take on a personal meaning when connected with the family. The impression that this leaves will be unbelievable.

Honestly this is a really perfect idea for a home schooled child, or a learning project to do over the summer. The number of directions that you could go with this are only limited by your imagination. Should you find an ancestor that was involved in bootlegging, you can use this information to find out about the entire Prohibition era, from the culture to the music, literature, and politics of the time.

Laying the groundwork for this learning is essential. While some families will have most of their information at their fingertips, others will have to do more digging. There is a real wealth that comes from exploring your own past, and the sooner your children learn it the better.

Family Tree Project Ideas For Kids

Want to learn more about how to trace your own family tree with your kids, then visit Sarah Brookhaven's genealogy site at for a free genealogy mini-course. Also, check out her latest genealogy ebook, "The Ultimate Genealogy Guide," for indepth information about discovering your own family history.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Siberian Tigers - The Biggest Cat Species In The World

The Siberian Tiger is found in cold regions in Russia and China. To survive in the harsh climate, the tiger builds up fat reserves. Siberian Tigers are also much larger than the tiger variants found in warm habitats, since a large body will conserve heat more efficiently than a small body. During the cold winter, a Siberian Tiger will need up to 10 kilograms of meat a day to do well. It hunts primarily wild boar, deer and elk and can eat much more than 10 kilograms in one gulp if given the opportunity. Siberian Tigers have been noticed when they feast on 50 kilograms of meat or more. The staple food is wild boar, and the Siberian Tiger population is therefore dependent on a healthy wild boar population. Roughly 50 percent of the tigers' diet is typically made up by wild boar. Siberian Tigers can also catch smaller prey, such as lynx, rabbit, rodents and fish. The Siberian Tiger can also occasionally hunt bear.

The hunting style of the Siberian Tiger is based on surprise attacks. The Siberian Tiger is capable of running faster than 50 miles an hour, but can only keep up this speed during short and explosive attacks. The Siberian Tiger will therefore usually choose to hunt during the night, when it can use its supreme night vision to ambush prey. The Siberian Tiger is also equipped with superb hearing and a keen sense of smell that is helpful during the hunt.


The Siberian Tiger lives in oak, birch and coniferous woodlands in Russian Siberia and northern China. The Chinese population is almost extinct, just like the Korean population, but the Russian population shows strong signs of recovery and has increased significantly during the last two decades. In 1997, there were approximately 350-400 Siberian Tigers living in Russia.

Siberian Tigers mate during December or January and the cub litter is born during early spring when the climate is less harsh and prey offspring are abundant. The Siberian Tiger is a solitary dweller and they will only form pairs during the short mating period. Two Siberian Tigers have been seen hunting together during the mating period, but this is quite extraordinary. They will usually prefer to hunt alone even during the mating period. The female tiger will care for the cubs alone and teach them how to hunt. The gestation period of the Siberian Tiger is 3-3.5 months.

The Siberian Tiger litter will usually comprise three or four cubs. The cubs are born toothless and with closed eyes. After 14 days, the eyes will begin to open. The cub will consume milk from the mother for roughly six months. Siberian Tigers learn how to hunt from their mother. After around a year, the cubs will have become somewhat independent and capable hunters, but they will still stay with their mother until they are 3-5 years old. The life of the young cubs is hard and it is unusual for more than one tiger from each litter to reach maturity.

Siberian Tigers - The Biggest Cat Species In The World

Read more info about the Siberian tiger and White Siberian tigers []

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Korean Drama City Hunter Cat Sweater


Korean Drama City Hunter Cat Sweater

Korean Drama City Hunter Cat Sweater

Korean Drama City Hunter Cat Sweater