How to trace your family tree without leaving home
If you were adopted when you were a child sooner or later you will start to think about your real biological parents. What happened to them? Where are they now? Why did they abandon you? You may not be sure if you want to meet them but I bet that you're curious to know something about them.
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It's a lot easier to find people today than it used to be. That means that it's easier to find your lost parents too. The first thing that you need is the names of your parents. They should be on you birth certificate but you may not have that to look at. Even if you do know your real parents names you would still have an uphill struggle on your hands to locate them if it weren't for the Internet.
Tracing birth parents starts with searching for information on yourself
The first thing you need to find is the names of your biological parents and their addresses at the time of your birth. You can get this from your birth certificate if you have it but if not you can go online and do a search for yourself on one of the public records database web sites. When you find your own details you have a good chance of finding details of your birth parents as well as other relatives.
When you have the information on your parents you can go ahead and search for their details too. You should be able to trace where they used to live and where they are living now.
You don't have to stop at finding out where your parents are located. You can also find out if they have a criminal record or if they're bankrupts or have any arrest warrants. They might even be in jail for that matter and you can find that out too.
Finding biological parents isn't that difficult any more
When you have all this information about your biological parents you can make a decision about whether you want to contact them or not. It's not always an easy decision and sometimes it doesn't matter what they've done or why they gave you up. When you know everything there is to know about them and possibly others in your real family you can make an informed decision about whether you want to meet them or not.
No online public records database is 100% complete so this method doesn't work for everyone but it's more than worth a try. If you are at all curious about finding your biological parents then you should give this a go now. What have you got to lose? You could be in for a big surprise.
Finding Biological Parents - Tracing Real Parents of Adopted Children
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