
Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Ask A Guy Out - 3 Hints To Asking A Guy Out On A Date

Long ago were the days of a woman patiently awaiting Prince Charming's approach. Now, more than ever, women are beginning to take some initiative when it comes to their success in the dating world. There's actually nothing wrong with actively pursuing Mr. Right. You just have to know the right way to do it.

So, in order to have more successfully in asking a guy out, then you need to consider another few important factors that will dictate the outcome of your actions. Here are the three helpful hints on how you can ask a guy out on a date.


1). Be Confident

No matter how well you can smooth talk a person, if you are just not confident enough, then your whole act of asking a guy out will not end up successful.

You need to believe that you can and show it to the person you are asking out, in order to make him say 'yes' to your proposal. Just be confident about it! Remember, guys are "supposed to" ask girls out, but any girl who defies this "rule" is worth considering!

2). Be Direct

Remember, don't beat around the bush. If you want to ask a guy out, then ask the guy out directly. Most people have a tendency to not understand what other people are trying to say if they just keep diverting the subject, expecting the other person to read between the lines. Most people, men and women, aren't good at reading between the lines - they either get it wrong, or don't get it at all. You need to make it plain in the simplest terms possible, be frank, and tell them exactly what you want to say.

For examples:

  • "Frank, if you're not doing anything this weekend, do you want to go out with me?"
  • "Jason, how about catching a movie with me this Friday?"
  • "Tom, if you don't go out with me you're a fool and you're missing out on the greatest thing since sliced bread".
  • "David, what are you doing this Friday night at 8pm? I have two tickets to the New Kids On the Block Reunion Concert, and I'd love for you to come with me."

The thing is to make it clear to them that you want to hang out, just the two of you. This part is very important! You don't want him to bring his sister or his mate Sarah along. One more things, if it is possible, try not to ask him out over the phone or get a friend to do it. Boys like a girl with courage and someone that is not terrified of talking to him.

TIPS: Before you ask him out make sure that you are face-to-face and alone together. Never ask him out when he is at a table surrounded by guys. They will usually influence him to say no or only say yes because of wrong reasons.

3. Don't over do it.

While guys appreciate a woman that is able to speak her mind and express her interest, there are still limits to the amount of aggressiveness that a man can and will accept. The solution is to smile and use gentle tones while asking him out. This allows you to be aggressive, while still maintaining your non-threatening posture.

Finally, you have nothing to be nervous when asking a guy out. Just be cool and relax! Actually, guys typically love being asked out, since they're the ones usually doing all the work in these situations. If he says no, then it is not the end of the dating world for you. Just one guy is not a big deal!

How To Ask A Guy Out - 3 Hints To Asking A Guy Out On A Date

Discover how to attract a man that you've always wanted, what the secret to a man staying committed for the long-run is, and how to get your relationship back on track. Click Here

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Best Korean Hairstyles For Girls

The right hairstyle is essential in completing the image of a person. Currently, the incredible variety of hair cutting styles and varying styling methods determine the top choices of Korean hairstyles for girls. There exists a vast selection ensuring that every girl can get a hair style to match her face shape and personal preferences.

Among the factors to consider when going for a style is the personal haircut style, which could be short, medium or long. It is necessary to consider hair texture and the shape of the face. The hairstyle should suit one's facial features. It is also relevant to consider the aspects that a person wants enhanced and which ones to hide.


Trends in the beauty industry have seen more women letting go of their long hair and going for the shorter and sexier spike hair styles. Most women use spikes to spotlight the haircut and add edginess. Observe that spikes are best fitted for square faces, and they are not recommendable for those seeking to reduce the length of their faces. It is also difficult to maintain such styles on fine hair as they require a thick hair texture. These styles enhance key facial features such as eyes and lips.

Anime hairstyles are among the styles that have gained a lot of popularity in recent times. These imitate characters in the anime cartoons, which tend to look great in fabulous clothes, elegant hair designs and really big eyes. These come in various forms, including bob, long layered and extra long designs.

One of the techniques of hairstyling commonly used today is the punk design. This style was considered to be exceedingly darling, so many women did not go for it until recently. It can be implemented on short hair, though it looks more appealing on medium and long hair. It puts more emphasis on the cut rather than the length of the hair.

The emergence of hipster fashion trend has led to the development of matching hipster hairstyles. Tresses are applicable on all lengths of hair, often incorporating colorful methods to flash their forwardness in fashion. This method often goes for unique hairdos and accessories rather than regular mainstream and celebrity trends. The basic concepts involve pairing one's clothing with a brand new attractive short cut, often being bowl-cuts, unclear partings or extremely fixed angles.

There is a variety of cute school hairstyles available to female Korean students. These can be implemented on short, medium and long hair. Short hairs offer limited styling options, including straight, curly, messy and spiky techniques. For medium hair, it is advisable to try loose straight designs, curly loose designs, messy buns, ballerina bun and bob styles. Even more options are available for long hair, the best being half-up/half-down, pinned up, ponytail, braided and scene styles.

Given the wide range of Korean hairstyles for girls, a room for diversity is provided. It is possible to go for a different hairstyle anytime someone feels like. Take note that remarkably few styling options are available for short hair while they are virtually endless for long hair. However, the latter require more styling time in comparison to the earlier. Consequently, middle length hair is the most preferred, because it is more versatile than shorter hair yet requires lesser maintenance than long styles.

The Best Korean Hairstyles For Girls

Read extra hairstyle tips and hair care articles at Asian Hairstyles Resource. For photos gallery of the most hottest Korean hairstyles make sure to check out:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ceramic Materials And Their Uses

The word Ceramics is derived from the Greek word Keramos which means potter's earth or clay. Therefore, ceramics may be considered to be material made from naturally occurring clay or earth. Scientifically, ceramics are compounds of metallic and non-metallic elements. There are also manufactured ceramic materials such as diamond, SiC and Si3N4 and so on. In modern applications, a broader definition applies to the term ceramic, that is everything that is not a metal or organic material. Ceramics are inorganic as well as non-metallic materials which have been processed or used at high temperatures.

The American Ceramic society has defined ceramic products as those manufactured "by the action of heat on raw materials, most of which are of an earthy nature -- while of the constituents of these raw materials, the chemical element silicon, together with its oxide and the compounds thereof, occupies a predominant position." That branch of knowledge which deals with the expertise of manufacturing and treatment of ceramic materials is called ceramic engineering.


There are various types of ceramic products which we have classed under four distinct categories-

1. Structural - it includes roof and floor tiles, pipes and bricks.

2. White wares - they include objects like decorative, sanitary ware, table ware and wall tiles. The examples of white ware ceramics are stone ware, porcelain, bone china and earthen ware.

3. Refractories like glass and steel building crucibles, gas fire radiant and kiln linings.

4. Technical or fine ceramics. such products include tiles applied in the space shuttle program, ballistic fortification, bio-medical implants, missile nose cones, nuclear fuel uranium oxide pellets and jet engine turbine.

The various properties of ceramics are discussed below-

1. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES- they are crystalline or amorphous and are usually covalently bonded or iconic substances. Ceramic materials also show plastic deformations.

2. ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES- they are semi conductors and most of them are transitional metal oxides. However under extremely low temperatures some ceramics become superconductors.


They are classified as non -crystalline and crystalline ceramics. The non-crystalline ceramics are formed from melts and are called glass ceramic. They are produced after a great range of processing whereas the crystalline ceramics do not require much doling out.

Apart from the ones discussed above, ceramics have a wide range of usage

1. It is used in making knives and ceramic knives are sharper than steel knives. Though they are brittle, their blades are more durable.

2. Ceramics like alumina and boron carbide are used as "Small Arms Protective Inserts"

3. Steel can be replaced by ceramic balls in ball bearings. Due to their hardness they have a longer lifetime. Their electrical insulating capacities are also valuable in bearings but a major drawback is their high cost.

4. Ceramic engines can be used in laboratories due to their high fuel efficiency and they do not need any cooling system. However mass production is not possible because cracks can easily develop in ceramics which may result in dangerous equipment failure.

5. Nowadays bio-ceramics are made which include synthetic bones and dental implants.

6. High tech ceramic is also employed in making watch cases.

Ceramic Materials And Their Uses

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for pottery, antiques, and figurines. When shopping for pottery, antiques and figurines, we recommend only the best online stores for ceramic pottery, antique coin dealer, and ceramic figurines.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

60 Words and Phrases that Make Men Fall Deeper in Love

The interesting thing about getting the love you deserve is that you have a great deal of influence in the kind of love you get. Most times, the love one gets is a function of the kind of love one gives. And when it comes to love, communication is the fuel that fans its flame. The words you choose can be the difference between a relationship where there is constant drama or one that is nurturing, blissful and romantic.

Now that you know that, let me share a little bit of the kinds of words that just simply turns men on and makes them want to love you even more.


1. Honey

2. Sweetheart

3. Sweetie

4. Baby

5. Darling

6. Sexy

7. Fine

8. Handsome

9. Stud muffin

10. Sugar

11. You just make me feel so good.

12. You are the best.

13. I can't get enough of you.

14. You drive me wild.

15. You know me inside and out.

16. I love you so much.

17. I love you with all my heart and soul.

18. You make me laugh.

19. You are so funny.

20. I love the way you love me.

21. I love the way you make me feel.

22. I never want you to stop loving me.

23. I don't know what I would do without you in my life.

24. You make me feel so special.

25. I need you in my life.

26. You just made my day.

27. I can't get enough of your hugs and kisses.

28. I apologize.

29. I promise to love you forever.

30. You are the one for me.

31. I don't need anyone else in my life.

32. You are more than enough for me.

33. Marry me and make me the happiest woman.

34. I have always loved you and will always love you.

35. I miss you so much.

36. I am so lonely without you.

37. My life is empty without you.

38. I can't wait to see you.

39. I want to be with you forever.

40. I love the way you hold me.

41. It kills me to know that you will be gone for a long time.

42. I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.

43. I have never been loved like this before.

44. I'd love to wake up next to you forever.

45. It hurts me so much to see you this way.

46. If I can't be with you, then I don't want to be with anyone else.

47. I am not waiting for a knight in shining armor - mine has already arrived.

48. If your kisses were wishes I would make a 1000 wishes.

49. Life has never been better since you came into my life.

50. I can't believe we have been together for so long. I guess time flies when you are having fun.

51. I will go to the ends of the world for you.

52. Life without your love is a life I'd rather not live.

53. I love the way you look at me.

54. I trust you with all my heart.

55. Thank you for all you have done for me.

56. The words "I love you" are not enough to express how I feel about you.

57. I can't find the words to express how you make me feel.

58. You make me feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world.

59. Just being with you is enough for me to have a great time.

60. You don't have to say a word for me to feel your love.

Life without endearing words is like being in a garden without flowers. Endearing words create a feeling that transcends our reality and makes life worth living.

To find out more about how you can make your man fall head over heels in love with you, please visit:

Don't forget to share this article with your friends - they will be glad you did.

60 Words and Phrases that Make Men Fall Deeper in Love

Steve Ubah is the author of Passion Keys - A Woman's Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Love In A Man's Heart. To find out how you can make your man fall madly in love with you, please visit

A note to all publishers: Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, newsletter or website as long as the article's content is not modified and all links as well as the author's resource box are included.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Health Benefits of Taking a Vacation

Taking vacations allows time for relaxing and enjoying yourself in being free from your everyday responsibilities at home and at the office. It is your moment to travel and explore the world. Vacations also bring unforgettable memories that will last for a lifetime. Making good memories is good for the soul. You will not only enjoy it, but also become mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.

Before giving you the importance of vacation, here are some tips on how to take a vacation:


1. Make sure you have a vacation budget.
2. Let your boss and colleagues know it early.
3. Reserve your flights and hotels early.
4. Pack light.
5. Enjoy the planning and packing as part of the overall experience
6. Leave your phone and laptop home.

Specialist Corner

Studies show that taking a vacation can lessen the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and help live a healthier life.

Experts consent that people who seize their health seriously should also learn to take vacation time seriously. Researchers from the State University of New York at Oswego conducted a survey of more than 12,000 men ages 35 to 57 who had participated in a large heart disease prevention trial. The results, presented last March at a meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society in Savannah, suggest that men who take vacations every year reduce their overall risk of death by about 20 percent, and their risk of death from heart disease by as much as 30 percent.

When the mind feels pressured and blocked with ideas, the effects on the body can be undesirable. One very important characteristic of mental health and well being is simply setting set the time to allow your mind to do nothing. It is in the method of not being hectic that one is free to reflect, deliberate, refresh and generally be grateful in the world around you - a world which you are usually to busy to recognize.

When the Doctor says Rest

When you get sick, the most common thing you hear from your doctor and peers is to get plenty of rest. This was meant exactly that. Rest, with no activities suggested whatsoever. The art of doing nothing when you are unwell drains your mind from noise and hassle of the world. As stress and depression rise, having a time for regular outings and vacations can give you some solutions to maintaining a healthy condition.

Many people plan a vacation wherein fast paced activities are planned everyday for the week. Therefore, the vacation often ends up being as demanding as the job that you left behind. A lot of people evoke the feeling of being crushed by the time they have got back from their holiday, and this is the point. In order to get the bursting health benefits of a vacation, it is important for you to do as little as possible and set aside the time to relax your mind and soul that you need to replenish so you can return home feeling rejuvenated.

Take it Easy and Unwind

Idleness is often sulked upon in modern society, yet it is a significant part of your human mental health. It allows you to collect thoughts, to expand your viewpoint, and to alleviate anxiety. A certain amount of being idle is essential to a happy, contented life.

The ultimate tool in stress management is relaxation. Whether you take a siesta in a beach chair or snore beneath the stars, you will feel that you sleep better on a vacation. Your mind and body calm down when you adjust your focus and your pace.

One great way to relax is by reading a book especially when you fall asleep doing it. Fishing is somewhat of a reflective activity. Trying innovative sports like surfing and bowling may not be soothing but may suggest benefits to your health and well-being. No matter how active or inactive your vacation is, your mind will take it easy and your body will unwind. Basically, do the things you love, the things that bring meaning to you in your life, and see if you can mix it with the quiet and calm down time you need with the adventure side of yourself.

Explore Your Options

A vacation will give you the chance to see new places and seek new adventures. Some may take a trip abroad and explore the wonderful things beyond in search of discovery. Others may spend their vacations camping and hiking in mountains nearby. Still others prefer to volunteer in an activity in their community. There are a lot of choices to pick from. Choose what's best for you and for your health. The goal is to get out of your stress and daily obligations and take care of you.

Health Benefits of Taking a Vacation

Debbie Turner, entrepreneur and home business coach, offers great travel destinations at over 5,000 locations worldwide, starting at 8 for a 7 night stay. For details on the Global Resorts Network luxury travel club membership, Debbie's Phone is 843.270.5611, email: A member of this vacation club can refer others to it and generate 00 referral fees. Win-win situation.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

10 Tips For Healthy Skin

Healthy, younger looking skin is what everyone dreams of. Healthy, younger looking skin is not hard to achieve. Looking after your appearance and maintaining a regular routine and healthy diet can help to give you perfect looking skin, free from spots and blemishes.

Below are 10 tips that will help you on your way to clear, beautiful skin.


1. Your outside appearance reflects what's on your inside. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and sunflower seeds.

2. Try and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. This will help to keep your skin moist, refreshed and supple, which will help the skin fight off developing wrinkles and blemishes.

3. Moisturize! Applying moisturizer after a warm face wash or a warm shower is the best remedies for skin. Moisturizing helps to restore the oils that our skin has and helps to keep the skin hydrated. Moisturizing for men is just as important as the oils in men's skin can be lost more easily than those in women.

4. Protect yourself from sun and tanning studio's. The sun and tanning studio's are the main reasons for premature aging. By applying self tan spray or keeping your face well protected from UV rays can help to prevent premature aging.

5. Keep up regular exercise. Regular exercise helps to keep the skin elasticity which prevents wrinkles. Exercise is also good for your body as a whole as it helps to maintain a low amount of body fat.

6. Taking vitamins and minerals helps to keep goodness in the skin. Vitamins and minerals have been developed to help your body. By taking one multivitamin can help to keep your skin fresh and clean.

7. Try and maintain a constant sleep pattern. Sleep is the body's time to restore itself and to re-energies the body's organs and skin. By maintaining a regular sleep pattern, you will feel more energized and your skin will become more healthy and fresher looking.

8. Do not scrub and wash too hard. By doing this it removes the required oils that the skin needs to regenerate. When washing, wash lightly and in circular motion. This helps to keep the blood flow in your skin and does not allow the essential oils to escape.

9. Do not squeeze spots. Although very tempting, by squeezing spots and black heads, the disease spreads and your acne will not disappear. By not squeezing your skin can heal the spot on its own and scars will not be formed. Constant squeezing of spots will cause scarring of the skin.

10. Finally, the most important thing you can do to help achieve, younger healthier looking skin is to stop smoking or never to start. Smoking causes premature aging and yellowing of the teeth and skin. The tobacco that is released into the air dries out your skin, while the smoke you inhale constricts the flow of blood to blood vessels, therefore preventing your skin of essential nutrients that your body supplies.

10 Tips For Healthy Skin

A writer and publisher who has a keen interest on promoting his articles and reports to hopefully provide the reader with some helpful information on what they may be looking for.

Click here to view our top recommended facial products

For more information and articles like these visit

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Korean Cartoon Animal Poodle Animal Hats Kids Adults with Ear Flaps


Korean Cartoon Animal Poodle Animal Hats Kids Adults with Ear Flaps

Korean Cartoon Animal Poodle Animal Hats Kids Adults with Ear Flaps

Korean Cartoon Animal Poodle Animal Hats Kids Adults with Ear Flaps

Korean Cartoon Animal Poodle Animal Hats Kids Adults with Ear Flaps Overviews
>Chilly weather? Keep your head and hands warm with this fuzzy hat with attached mittens. It's perfect for snowboarding, skiing, cosplay or just for fun everyday wear. One size fit both kids and adultsHead circumference: 24.5

Korean Cartoon Animal Poodle Animal Hats Kids Adults with Ear Flaps Features
  • Made of printed tricot, faux fur, vinyl and cotton
  • Soft Comfy Touch¡¦. Elastic Size adjuster
  • Size: See Picture above.
  • Fit adults and kids, one size fits most.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Univera MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

Univera Life Sciences is a network marketing company that provides a variety of nutritional supplements and services. They have established themselves as a leading network marketing company, and are quickly becoming known for their business opportunity.

However, there have been some concerns about the Univera business opportunity. In this article, we will go through and give an unbiased review of the pros and cons of promoting a Univera business, and see if Univera is truly a great business opportunity...or a great scam.


1. Univera - The Good

Univera was founded in 1998 by YunHo Lee, a Korean businessman that had long-suffered poor health. As the story goes, Mr. Lee tried all the tonics of conventional medicine with no results. One day, a friend gave him some juice from an Aloe vera plant, and made a "miraculous recovery".

In fact, Univera is one part of the ECONET conglomerate, which consist of

  • Univera
  • Unigen
  • Aloecorp / Russia Biomass
  • NatureTech

The flagship product for Univera is their AgelessXtra nutritional supplement. They are also have a well-structured compensation plan for their associates. As a network marketing business, you earn up to 15% on direct signups, and up to 5% on your downline, depending on what rank you achieve. They also have a 2% profit sharing program for distributors that reach a certain rank. They also have a BMW car program that allows their reps to bank an additional ,600 per month toward the payment of a BMW. Not too shabby.

2. Univera - The Bad

The Univera business opportunity looks really good at first sight; however, flags start to appear when we see their marketing plan. Like many network marketing businesses, Univera recommends that you grow your business with "relationship" marketing, i.e. selling product to friends, family members, and others that you know. Their program focuses on leveraging your "warm market" to grow your business which worked really well...50 years ago.

We live in a very different society today than we did in the 1950's, when network marketing first got started. These days, most people do not have large warm markets, and even if they are large, most people do not like to be sold items from their friends and family members.

3. Univera - The Ugly

Another issue is the concept of marketing the business first, the product second. Like many compensation plans, Univera gives out the most generous bonuses for the recruitment of other associates, so form a distributors standpoint, they are compensated for finding distributors first, product-users second.

The problem comes when a new distributor (who is not making any money yet) approaches their warm market with a business opportunity to make money. There is a credibility issue that arises when someone who is making no money is telling other people how they can make a whole lot of money. Many network marketing companies try and resolve this issue with "3-way calling", where the distributor calls their upline (who is supposedly making money) to talk to their prospect. Unfortunately, this only positions the distributor as a gopher instead of a legitimate business builder.

Growing a Univera business can be a great opportunity. They appear to have some good products, but there are plenty of companies that have great products, and many people that market great products never make a dime. There are also plenty of terrible products that generate millions of dollars in revenue (anyone remember the pet rock?) The difference is the marketer, and their ability to target their market effectively.

In closing, I would say that starting and developing a Univera business is lucrative if you know how to use the telephone, the Internet, and other effective marketing tools to grow your business. It is not a scam, but like any business, success will be determined by the skill-set of the marketer. Univera is definitely not a lottery ticket or a stock option - meaning, you do not just buy in and wait for a payout.

If someone does not have the first clue on how to market effectively, then I would suggest they either learn how to be an effective marketer, or else just use the Univera products as way increase personal health.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks.

Univera MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has marketed dozens of different products and services. He has participated in the generation of over million dollars of revenue in network marketing in past 4 years alone. To find out how, you can

To learn more about growing a Univera Business, you can get the Univera Success Blueprint

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Married Women Looking For Married Men

Has married women looking for married men become the new social rage? Many women feel neglected in their marriage. The emptiness of being with a spouse who has turned cold and indifferent is a recipe for sheer misery.

Likewise, many married men looking for women are in the same boat. Sometimes, we see a nagging wife who is very critical of her husband's goals in life. The nagging brow beater will totally drain the love out of a marriage and suck the life from their partner.


However, criticism and coldness may not be the only cause if one is married looking for an affair. Sometimes the activity of married women looking for married men is the result of plain boredom and sexual dissatisfaction. In other cases, we often see and hear about a wife who has 'cut off' her husband's sexual needs. Female frigidity cuts the most vital connection of a healthy marriage. A man in such a position feels that something else has been 'cut off' too! (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun) In response, we see married men seeking women to discreetly fill the need.

Let's be frank. In most cases, physically healthy married women looking for married men need sex. They need a good emotional outlet too; a chance to feel the excitement of flirtation. If we are spiritually, mentally and physically healthy, then we have a normal desire for strong compatibility, emotional nurturing and good sex.

Men looking for women in this state can be a perfect alternative.

Why would married women looking for married men become such a new social phenomena? As we've all heard, there's "too many fish in the sea". Single young men and ladies abound. However, there's a problem with that.

The reason many married-looking-for-an-affair individuals seek other married individuals is the ability to create a discreet relationship based on mutual silence. There's a 'no strings attached' code that locks such an arrangement.

A divorce could cause the destruction of the family unit, relationships with children and financial stability.

Healthy married men looking for women do not want to pay half their salary to alimony or give the house away. Married women do not want to destroy the relationship with their children or their home.

In fact, in many cases they love their spouse! It is certain compatibility factors and the sexual fulfillment that they cannot get straight after, perhaps many years of trying.

People who are married looking for an affair may be doing so after many years of expensive professional counseling to no avail. Their spouse just does not want to "get with the program".

What is one to do after they give 100% and their partner is giving about 15 on their best day? Have you ever been in such a predicament?

There is an alternative. There is something to do when all else has failed.

There is someplace to go when you need to break the monotony and get relief without the danger of blowing up your life.

Married Women Looking For Married Men

Are you one of the many married women looking for married men? To peruse the members area of the world's most discreet married dating service; to have access to married men looking for married women, pictures, personals and other married dating information, The Ashley Madison Agency is one of the best resources on the internet. Click here for more information about The Ashley Madison Agency.

Author CG McKey is an e-marketer and publisher, who's focus is on marketing/reviewing "under the radar" products and services, that are high in quality. CG Mckey strives present to the World Wide Web, high quality products that provide an alternative ways of thinking, and living.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

5 Tips For Restaurant Success

Running a successful restaurant business is not an easy task. There are many issues that can come up and that must be dealt with immediately. In view of the daily chores that must be completed, most restaurants don't bother to set any long term goals. However, you must spend some time on improving your restaurant and also set reasonable long term goals to succeed. Here are some tips for making your restaurant business a success.

One tip for a successful restaurant is the location in which you restaurant is situated. This plays an important role in your success. The location of your restaurant should be easily accessible by any means. The floating population of that location should be high. In such locations you would easily attain many customers.


Another tip is to have friendly employees in your restaurant. The employees should be very active and fast in serving and be ready to satisfy all of the customers' needs. Some of the employees may remember the regular customers and can more easily satisfy them by already knowing what will make the customer happy. Such employees are an asset for any restaurant. The employees should be persons who love their work and are generally happy overall. Happy employees sets the customer at ease and will allow the customer to enjoy their meal even more.

Your restaurant should have a system or a process that is in place to supply the raw materials for the preparation of your menu items. The process should aid in cutting down the waste to a minimum. This is very important in the functioning of any restaurant. Buying more of any raw item would be a waste. Stocking more inventory should also be avoided. Fresh items should be available then and there. Proper procurement and careful planning of food inventory is a must. Menu planning, restaurant inventory and costing software is available to help with this task and should definitely be considered. This type of software will save money in the long run and aid in the overall success and planning of your restaurant.

There must be consistency in serving the customers. A customer who returns to your restaurant would be expecting the same kind of service he had during a previous visit. He should certainly also expect the same quality of food. Having a consistency in the service and menu items is essential for success. This is very important in that many restaurants get repeated customers only through word-of-mouth. If you spoil the experience of any customer in your restaurant you cannot expect any referred customers through him. On the other hand, if he had a very good dining experience he is sure to recommend your restaurant to friends. Hence maintaining a consistency in service and food is a must for success.

Serving good quality food every time is essential for success in the restaurant business. If you are not serving quality food you can't expect the customer to return to your restaurant again. Attention to each and every detail inside the restaurant is essential.

5 Tips For Restaurant Success

Lydia Quinn writes for R&I Solutions, developer of Cost Genie, a leading restaurant costing software package. Visit for a free demo.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Family, The Most Important Thing In Life

I went to a funeral yesterday. It was the funeral of a 97 year old lady who I had befriended in her last year of life, to take her out for a 'much-needed breath of fresh air', being somebody who was confined to her small home and unable to go out unless in a wheelchair. There weren't a lot of people at the funeral, just family. I was an 'outsider', only having briefly met one of them who had invited me to the funeral.

I quickly learned that, apart from nearest family, some of them had not seen each other for many years. Isn't it always the case, that relations rarely meet unless at weddings and funerals? The deceased did not see many of them. She was a deeply lonely lady, craving company like she'd had when young. Although crippled, her mind was as active as a 20 year old. It's often at funerals we rekindle family relationships, with every intention of meeting up more often, but for some reason we slip back into old habits, caught up with work and play, and do not fulfil those promises, even though they're promises made from the heart, and with the best intentions.


So what happens? Recently, Prince Andrew was reported as saying "I believe fundamentally that the family is the most important thing in life". And this belief probably holds true for most people, but like the diet we have every intention on going on, or the cigarettes we have every intention on giving up, we just don't get around to it, often until it's too late. It's the same with family and children. Do we grab the moment now, savor our time with our children, or wait until they've grown up and are caught up in their own lives? I know this is easier said than done, but often, however tight we are for time, most people are willing and able to make time for things that matter to them. There are people who have passions in life, be it water sports or model trains, who will make time whatever to pursue those passions.

So, given that we are so caught up in work, DIY, housework, and life, how do we make time for the family?

1. Strong families make it a priority to spend time together, and are committed to each other. This does not have to mean organizing great days out, but doing everyday tasks such as running errands, household chores or playing games together. Have a notice board in a prominent place in your home, with a daily REMINDER that your family comes first. This may seem crazy, but our hectic lifestyles with work and school mean we can frequently forget to take time out and work on our family relationships.

2. Ask yourself, why am I so busy? What am I doing, and is it helping to strengthen our family, or causing us to be apart more often? Is what I am doing really worth it? You may find that, when you stop and think about it, there may be activities you can cut out, or you may find ways of managing your time more effectively.

3. Some of those issues that have been important to you, on reflection, you may be able to re-prioritize. For example, household chores, like cleaning, or not allowing your kids to do 'messy' activities like painting or cooking. Being less fastidious about such issues may unlock time for being together and having fun.

4. Is your child attending lots of after-school clubs? Some parents like to feel that their child is constantly occupied and gaining new interests, and this is great, if that is what they are really doing. If a child loves doing many activities, that is good, but some children like to have time-out to relax at home, and often, following one or two interests or hobbies allows them to appreciate and put more time into them than to cram lots of interests into their routine.

5. Switch the television off. Make space to talk to each other. It may be a nice activity to watch a program together, but generally watching TV is not a social activity. In fact, more often than not, it gets in the way of social interaction.

6. Aim to have at least one meal a day together as a family. This is a difficult one if you have teenagers who have an active social life of their own, but however possible, make sure everyone gets together to talk about their day, share ideas, thoughts and feelings. It may require a change in mealtimes to accommodate everyone, or a new 'number one rule of the house'.

7. Try to establish something your whole family enjoys doing together, like a hobby, or a form of exercise, cycling or hiking. This can give a common interest that all can enjoy together and talk about. If you've got a difficult teenager, then find his or her motivation, and organise some days and activities for the whole family around that.

As parents you are the 'figureheads' of the family, so the responsibility is yours to bring the family together. Doing so will bring you closer, help you to enjoy your family, and hopefully give your children some great memories as well as examples to follow when they are grown up and have children of their own!

Family, The Most Important Thing In Life

How to make time for the family.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The 3 Best 1980's Female Pop Singers

The 1980's were a great decade for music, and probably the first that really put the female singer front and center for a time. There were so many great female singers during this decade and while there's no doubt that the three I'll mention here were extremely successful, this list is subject to debate, as it all comes down to a matter of personal preference. I've done my best to narrow it down, but it was naturally a challenge to do so. Anyway, here's my list.

3. Whitney Houston. A true diva in every sense of the word, Whitney Houston was a legendary R&B singer whose many #1 hits have gone down as 1980s classics. From more upbeat songs like "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" to slower songs like "The Greatest Love of All", Whitney belted out the high notes like no one else in the 1980s.


2. Tina Turner. This legendary singer was already a couple of decades into her career by the 1980s, but that didn't stop her from achieving enormous commercial success. Some of Tina's biggest years took place in the 1980s, and her many hits were classic 1980s music.

1. Madonna. Were you expecting anyone else? Madonna produced more chart toppers than any female singer in the 1980s, and more than any female singer in history. She truly revolutionized the concept of the female pop star, and she amazingly still produces great music over 25 years later.

While there were many others, these wonderful women make my top 3.

The 3 Best 1980's Female Pop Singers

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Trust Me I'm Korean Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL

Trust Me I'm Korean Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL Review

Trust Me I'm Korean Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL Feature

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Trust Me I'm Korean Men's Tee Shirt in 12 colors Small thru 6XL Overview

Great looking 100% cotton shirt. Please refer to our sizing chart for measurements.This design also available as a women's tee shirt, and a men's hoodie and sweat shirt in our other listings.

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Steam Bath Healing And Health Benefits Fully Explained

The positive effects of steam bathing have been understood for thousands of years. Hippocrates found that fever could cure many diseases, and steam baths and saunas have been producing 'simulated' fevers ever since that time and maybe even earlier than that.

There are excellent healing attributes of both saunas and steam baths but the steam bath is especially good for respiratory troubles like bronchitis, asthma, and allergies the since it offers an elevated moisture content. The steam bath is also useful for cleaning and toning the skin surface. The increased volume of sweat that is induced by the steam bath and sauna leaves the skin soft and supple while the bathers are left feeling re-energized and recharged.


Steam Baths - Special Benefits

As previously discussed, a steam bath is excellent for respiratory ailments since steam can remove allergens and mucus from the lungs. Doctors have been advising that patients breathe steam for various respiratory problems for a long time now. The steam bath allows the user to inhale a larger concentration of steam than by using a vaporizer. This allows maximum benefits to those with breathing problems.

Steam has a soothing quality for the breathing passages since it raises the moisture level in the lungs, throat and nose. People that suffer from the problems of asthma or the common cold will find they feel much better after indulging in a steam bath.

No matter how good the sauna bath might feel by relieving symptoms it is not cure for respiratory diseases. The temporary benefits of relief from the symptoms are good enough that many sufferers go back to the steam bath again and again.

Skin Benefits

A good sweat is excellent for healthy skin. Dermatologists understand the benefits of steam to create a beautiful, healthy glow. Serious sweating washes the skin better than soap and water since it unlocks the pores and lets deep-seated grime along with dead cells to be washed out. Also a steam bath increases the blood circulation to the skin contributing to a healthy, glowing manifestation, you will glisten!

Pain Relief Benefits

Heat is a useful tool for management of muscular pain. Taking a steam bath after a substantial bodily workout is an excellent method of speeding up the healing progression of hurt tissues and muscles. Heat allows the blood vessels to enlarge which boosts the blood circulation, letting increased oxygen to arrive at injured parts of the body. This has the twofold effect of pain reduction and improving the healing speed.

Relaxation Benefits

Deep sleep is one of the best medicinal ways to heal the body. Our contemporary life is filled with daily stresses, and these stresses will build up over time and can induce stress linked illnesses such as high blood pressure and hypertension. A sauna bath is a excellent method of unwinding and help relieve the daily stresses. The heat of the sauna allows the muscles to loosen up, and the steam makes available a comforting atmosphere for calming the mind.

You will discover that a steam bath ahead of bedtime is an excellent method of promoting a deep restful sleep. You come out of the steam bath experiencing a relaxed and calm state. When you take a steam bath on a regular basis, you will reap remarkable benefits for your health and your state of mind.

So, go ahead and indulge yourself and reap the rewards of a sauna bath. You will be pleased with the results of regular sauna baths for your overall health and mental state.

Steam Bath Healing And Health Benefits Fully Explained

For more information on the steam bath and sauna health benefits please visit where you will quickly and easily find tips, advice and resources on saunas and steambathing.